Updated 867 days ago
- Age: 22 years
- ID: 15449096/130
At Newton we believe in surrounding children's with real objects, made out of identifiable materials such as wooden panels in the class-room and pottery/chinaware for meal times. On our play-grounds you will find real grass, trees and wooden play equipment along with sand, soil and water activity areas.Students and teachers help take care of our environment and the plants both inside and outside our class-rooms, by watering them and giving sunshine. In spring time K1 & K2 levels sow and take care of cucumber, tomat..... Each class is equipped with the newest water filtration and purification machines. Drinking water is clean, natural and ecological sustainable. Wash area's and bathrooms are equipped with eco friendly toilets, water tabs and sinks to save the amount of water needed for every flush or rinse. As an educational principle, we collect rainwater in our water lined garden beds and explore water, in the canals and ponds around campus. As something new students at Hui Xin..