Updated 18 days ago
- Age: 31 years
- ID: 15283559/144
Cmi Capital was formed in 1994 to act as an investment vehicle in the natural resources sector. Initial investments focus on the domestic Australian market with positions in coal and gold mining companies. With success we expanded our focus to North Asia, SE Europe and more recently SE Asia. You can glimpse some of this history on our Blog. Our recent focus on SE Asia has been driven by our partner relationships in the region and knowledge of the geology and metallogeny of the Tethyan realm which extends from central Europe to the Pacific. Cmi Capital has been involved in all aspect of the industry from deal origination and startup financing to exploration, development and production in the metals and energy sectors... Cmi Capital has been involved in all aspect of the industry from deal origination and startup financing to exploration, development and production in the metals and energy sectors. We continue to be actively involved in the industry, leveraging our extensive network and..
Also known as: CMI Capital Limited