Updated 12 days ago
Cherry Hill Seminary P.O. Box 212804 Columbia, SC 29221
Cherry Hill Seminary is the leading provider of education and practical training in leadership, ministry, and personal growth in Pagan and Nature-Based spiritualities...
The seed that became Cherry Hill Seminary was planted in the early 1990s by a group of Vermont Pagans. Classes were conducted first by mail, and then brought online in 2000. The Seminary was granted 501(c)3 tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in March of 2007. Business operations were moved to South Carolina in 2008, and the first master's program was announced in July 2009. By January 2020 we have awarded five Master of Divinity degrees, eight Community Ministry Certificates, and numerous former certificates; hundreds have taken one or more courses...
Cherry Hill Seminary serves Pagan and Nature-based communities by providing transformative education and empowering students to advance academically and lead spiritually.