Akinlade Akintunde

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Aleksandra Slavkovic

Job Titles:
  • Professor Interim Associate Dean for Graduate Education

Allyson Borger

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Associate
Allyson Borger, Assistant to the Associate Dean for Graduate Education 814-867-3090

Anuraag Aithal

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Ayush Acharya

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Barbara DeHart

Job Titles:
  • Director of Undergraduate Advising

Branco Weiss

Job Titles:
  • Science Fellow

Carla Hass

Job Titles:
  • Associate Head for Curricular Coordination

Charles Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Biology, Associate Department Head of Research and Faculty Success

Claire Thomas

Job Titles:
  • Associate Department Head of Climate and Diversity

David Arginteanu

Job Titles:
  • Research Technologist: Assmann Lab

David Simpson

Job Titles:
  • Associate Dean
  • Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
David Simpson is the associate dean for diversity and inclusion. In this role, he oversees the Eberly College of Science's Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which supports students, faculty, and staff through initiatives and programs to promote inclusive excellence. David works closely with many offices within the college, including human resources, undergraduate and graduate education, academic advising, science engagement, and more, to increase equity and a sense of belonging across the college. Prior to joining Penn State, David was the special assistant to the provost for faculty success, provost initiatives coordinator for inclusive excellence, and an assistant professor in the Biological Engineering program at Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT). During this time, David created multiple initiatives to engage students, faculty, and staff in DEI programs, including the GROW Framework (an equity-minded approach to support development) and the Equity in Learning initiative (a data-informed strategy to remove equity gaps in teaching and learning). Before coming to WIT, he was the associate director for the Veterinary Institute for Regenerative Cures, director of the Regenerative Medicine Laboratory, and an assistant adjunct professor at the University of California, Davis. While at UC Davis, David helped to build a stem cell program at the School of Veterinary Medicine and taught classes in regenerative medicine. Prior to UC Davis, he was a senior scientist with Capricor Therapeutics and assisted in leading research and development strategies for the company's therapeutic pipeline. David earned his doctorate from the joint Biomedical Engineering program at Georgia Tech and Emory University. His thesis work focused on the development of tissue-engineering strategies to enhance cell delivery to cardiac tissue. His current research interests include the development and deployment of equity-minded teaching and learning strategies to support student success.

Desa Rae Abrams

Job Titles:
  • Research Technologist: Lasky Lab

Dharani Abeysinghe

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Dr. Aaron Mattingly-Daniels

Job Titles:
  • Director of Graduate Equity Programs in the Eberly College
Dr. Aaron Mattingly-Daniels is the Director of Graduate Equity Programs in the Eberly College of Science. In this role, he recruits and supports both prospective and current graduate students across the college in alignment with diversity and inclusion initiatives. This includes support for conferences, the Graduate School Open House, Summer Research Opportunities Program, as well as developing inclusive academic and professional programming for graduate students throughout the year. Dr. Mattingly-Daniels earned his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at the University of California, San Francisco his Bachelor of Science in both Biochemistry and Biology at Virginia Tech.

Elizabeth McGraw

Job Titles:
  • Department Head

Eric White

Job Titles:
  • Director

Iliana B. Baums

Interests: Climate Change, Global Warming, Ecology

Jennifer Knecht

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Program Coordinator

Jessica Beemiller

Job Titles:
  • Business Office Manager
  • Financial Coordinator

Johanna Beam

John Waters

Job Titles:
  • Associate Head for Undergraduate Education

Kristen Robinson

Job Titles:
  • Executive Assistant to the Dean, and Is Responsible for the Dean 's Calendar

Lynne O'Cain

Job Titles:
  • Assistant to the Sr. Associate Dean for Science Education, Project Coordinator, the Science Education Collaboratory

Marcella Baiz

Marco Archetti

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Biology

Mary Beth Williams

Job Titles:
  • Acting Dean of the Eberly College of Science
Mary Beth Williams Acting Dean of the Eberly College of Science 517 Thomas Building University Park, PA 16802 814-865-9591 Kristen Robinson, Executive Assistant to the Dean, and is responsible for the Dean's Calendar 814-865-9592

Megan Holmes

Job Titles:
  • Future Students Coordinator

Michael Axtell

Job Titles:
  • Professor of Biology and Louis and Hedwig Sternberg Chair in Plant Biology

Nipuna Agampodi

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Nita Bharti

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor of Biology, Lloyd Huck Early Career Professor

Olivia Johnson

Oluwasegun Akinniyi

Job Titles:
  • BMMB Graduate Student - Reese Lab

Sadia Afroz

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Samantha Allbee

Interests: Seed Dispersal Networks, Fruit Traits , Plant-Animal Interactions

Samia Cooperider

Job Titles:
  • Director of Undergraduate Equity Programs in the Eberly College
Samia Cooperider is the Director of Undergraduate Equity Programs in the Eberly College of Science at Penn State University. In this role, she recruits and supports undergraduate students across the college, including those who participate in university scholarship programs and students within First-Year in Science and Engineering (FISE) living learning community. While supporting students, she creates and implements programming to engage students about and across difference, promote respectful dialogue, and create change for a better good. Samia earned her Master of Science in College Student Personnel Administration from Illinois State University and her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Criminal Justice from University of Illinois.

Sanchay Agarwal

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Sarah M. Assmann

Job Titles:
  • Waller Professor of Biology

Shabnam Akhtari

Job Titles:
  • Professor

Sophie Anderlind

Job Titles:
  • Research Project Manager: Crowley Lab

Sophie Lelei

Sopie Lelei serves as a Graduate Assistant for the Office of Diversity and Inclusion in the Eberly College of Science. In this capacity, she supports undergraduate students in their daily educational and scholarly pursuits, including organizing student programs, workshops, and cultural month events. Additionally, she provides guidance to the undergraduate program assistants in the First-Year in Science and Engineering (FISE) living-learning community. Sophie is currently a second-year MS/PhD student in the Geography program. She earned a B.S. in Data Sciences from Penn State.

Stephen Schaeffer

Job Titles:
  • Associate Head for Graduate Education

Tamara Badger

Job Titles:
  • Academic Advisor

Tom Forstmeier

Job Titles:
  • Research and Development Engineer

Tracie White

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Associate
  • Administrative Support Assistant
Tracie White is an Administrative Assistant for the Associate Dean of Diversity and Inclusion at the Eberly College of Science. In this role, she coordinates events hosted by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, supports several Diversity and Inclusion-related committees and programs within the college, and handles all administrative tasks for the office. She also currently serves as Secretary for the Commission for Adult Learners at Penn State University. Tracie's prior work includes Administrative Support at the Schreyer Honors College and Intelligence in the U.S. Marine Corps. Tracie is currently an M.Ed. student in the Higher Education program at Penn State. She earned a B.B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Data Analytics from American Military University.

Unnati Akhouri

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Vicki Stevens Carpenter

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Support Coordinator

Victoria Adekunle

Job Titles:
  • Graduate Student

Yuting Bai

Job Titles:
  • Research Technologist