Updated 6 days ago
1960 N. Painted Hills Tucson, AZ 85745
The Tucson Sentinel, published by the 501c3 nonprofit Tucson Investigative Reporting Center Inc., is part of the vanguard of Local Independent Online News Publishers, a member of the prestigious Institute for Nonprofit News, and has gained a national reputation for delivering solid, hard-hitting local news. Since our launch, we've posted more than 40,000 stories... Our work has been referenced by everyone from Maddow to Breitbart, including ABC, NBC, Radio Melbourne, Sirius, Fox News, MSNBC, NPR, the Guardian, the New York Times and many more. We've worked with CBS News and the (UK) Telegraph, and other news outlets around the country and around the world. USA Today, Agence France Presse and many others in the industry press have written about us as a pioneering startup nonprofit news outlet... Our mission: A smarter Tucson is a better Tucson. TucsonSentinel.com is a nonprofit independent newsroom that learns from and informs Southern Arizonans about the community challenges and..
Also known as: Tucson Investigative Reporting Center, Tucson Investigative Reporting Center Inc.