VIN 909
Updated 134 days ago
909 Bay Ridge Ave, Annapolis, MD 21403
VIN 909 Winecafé's mission is to enrich the lives of our guests, our employees, and owners. We do this by serving the best quality food and beverages available for a value. We do this also through extraordinary customer service, sales growth, cost controls and treating our employees like family. We believe that our employees are our most important resource. Our success depends upon creating and retaining a staff capable of delivering an exceptional experience to every customer every time... Vin 909 Winecafé is built on family history, and a passion for food, wine, and beer. The name "Vin" means wine in French and also defines the vintage feel of our inviting setting in the eclectic neighborhood of Eastport, an enclave located in Annapolis, Maryland. Our restaurant is approachable, local, and a reminder of the comfortable, inviting dining experiences we have loved. Whether you are enjoying the culinary artistry with a view into our exhibition kitchen, a glass of wine or craft beer, or..