PSDGC - History of Changes

2024-03-11 delete vp Gary MacDonald
2024-03-11 insert vp Brenda Lowry
2024-03-11 delete email
2024-03-11 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2024-03-11 delete person Gary MacDonald
2024-03-11 delete phone 404.782.9086
2024-03-11 delete source_ip
2024-03-11 insert person Brenda Lowry
2024-03-11 insert phone 404.697.9735
2024-03-11 insert source_ip
2023-01-28 delete president Bob Dahlhofer
2023-01-28 delete treasurer Sarah Jones
2023-01-28 delete vp Pat Lyon
2023-01-28 insert president Pat Lyon
2023-01-28 insert treasurer Carol Thomas
2023-01-28 insert vp Gary MacDonald
2023-01-28 delete email
2023-01-28 delete person Bob Dahlhofer
2023-01-28 delete person Jimmie Joy Tynes
2023-01-28 delete person Joy Lynn Tynes
2023-01-28 delete person Sarah Jones
2023-01-28 insert person Carol Thomas
2023-01-28 insert person Dianne Farris
2023-01-28 insert person Gary MacDonald
2023-01-28 insert phone 404.216.6968
2023-01-28 insert phone 404.782.9086
2023-01-28 insert phone 404.915.4180
2023-01-28 insert phone 678.438.8458
2023-01-28 insert phone 678.571.7197
2023-01-28 insert phone 770.680.3139
2023-01-28 update person_title Pat Lyon: Vice President => President
2021-01-27 delete president Pat Lyon
2021-01-27 delete vp Bob Dahlhofer
2021-01-27 insert president Bob Dahlhofer
2021-01-27 insert vp Pat Lyon
2021-01-27 update person_title Bob Dahlhofer: Vice President => President
2021-01-27 update person_title Pat Lyon: President => Vice President
2020-01-22 delete person Amanda Canup
2020-01-22 insert person Sandy Hill
2019-09-21 delete address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2019-09-21 delete address the beautiful Cobb County Civic Center - Hudgens Hall - 548 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
2019-09-21 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-09-21 update founded_year 1907 => null
2019-09-21 update primary_contact Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060 => null
2019-06-23 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-23 insert address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2019-06-23 insert address the beautiful Cobb County Civic Center - Hudgens Hall - 548 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
2019-06-23 update founded_year null => 1907
2019-06-23 update primary_contact null => Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2019-01-31 delete email
2019-01-31 delete person Marge Ramirez
2019-01-31 insert email
2019-01-31 insert person Amanda Canup
2019-01-31 insert person Dee Komro
2018-09-01 delete address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2018-09-01 delete address the beautiful Cobb County Civic Center - Hudgens Hall - 548 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
2018-09-01 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2018-09-01 update founded_year 1907 => null
2018-09-01 update primary_contact Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060 => null
2018-06-13 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2018-06-13 insert address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2018-06-13 insert address the beautiful Cobb County Civic Center - Hudgens Hall - 548 South Marietta Parkway, Marietta, GA 30060
2018-06-13 update founded_year null => 1907
2018-06-13 update primary_contact null => Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2018-01-28 delete president Sarah Jones
2018-01-28 delete treasurer Rusty Richardson
2018-01-28 insert president Pat Lyon
2018-01-28 insert treasurer Sarah Jones
2018-01-28 delete email
2018-01-28 delete email
2018-01-28 delete person Jim Slusher
2018-01-28 delete person Rusty Richardson
2018-01-28 insert person Pat Lyon
2018-01-28 update person_title Sarah Jones: President => Treasurer
2017-10-15 delete address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060
2017-10-15 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-10-15 update primary_contact Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy, Marietta, GA 30060 => null
2017-05-18 delete email
2017-05-18 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2017-05-18 insert address Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060
2017-05-18 update primary_contact null => Hudgins Hall, Cobb County Civic Center 548 South Marietta Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060
2016-10-06 delete address Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2016-10-06 update primary_contact Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060 => null
2016-08-07 delete phone 404.444.4454
2016-08-07 insert address Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2016-08-07 update primary_contact null => Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2016-07-10 delete address Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2016-07-10 insert phone 404.444.4454
2016-07-10 update primary_contact Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060 => null
2015-09-02 delete address 2245 Callaway Road, Marietta GA 30008
2015-08-05 delete address 50 West Antiques Winchester, VA
2015-08-05 insert address Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2015-07-08 delete address Conference room, first floor 1 Depot Street Marietta GA 30060
2015-07-08 insert address 50 West Antiques Winchester, VA
2014-11-04 insert address 2245 Callaway Road, Marietta GA 30008