Updated 14 days ago
- Age: 40 years
- ID: 13662878/146
200 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 510 Washington, DC 20001
USACA was formed in 1985 to display the incredible potential of advanced ceramics and strengthen the voice of the industry before the U.S. Congress and federal agencies. Today, USACA continues to facilitate the common interests of producers and users alike. We stand for innovation that will keep quality advanced ceramics in high demand and aim to keep our voice as a leader before lawmakers and government agencies...
Advanced ceramics are used as critical components in aerospace, defense, medical, energy, manufacturing, and other industries. The importance of these applications begs for the highest quality to maintain performance and safety. The success of our industry depends on our ability to stand together, evolve, and continue working toward a common goal...
USACA functions through working groups led by USACA members. Working groups meet frequently by telecom and in person to accomplish objectives. USACA establishes working groups on an as needed basis.
Also known as: advanced ceramics