Updated 165 days ago
PO Box 41251 Eugene, OR 97404
We believe that positive and lasting social change only comes when engaged citizens work together in common cause. We Can Do Better is a nonpartisan space for civic engagement for people to develop strategies and solutions that inform public policy and result in better health and health care for all... Being a non-partisan organization allows us to work in coalitions with other organizations who share the belief that that health reform should result in better health, lower or contained costs, and a better experience for all of us who use the system - the essential components of the Triple Aim. Staff from We Can Do Better have played leadership roles in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Consumer Voices for Coverage, the Oregon Health Reform Collaborative, the Allies Group, the Human Services Coalition of Oregon, and the Ladders to Leadership Initiative... We Can Do Better engages citizens in identifying barriers and solutions to improving health and health care for all. We combine..