Updated 14 days ago
1415 Engineering Drive Madison, WI 53706
The NSEC is managed by an executive committee consisting of Professors Padma Gopalan (Director & Thrust 1), Paul Nealey (Thrust 1, Founding Director), Nick Abbott (Thrust 2), Sam Gellman (Thrust 2), Juan de Pablo (Thrust 3), David Schwartz (Thrust 3), Bob Hamers (Thrust 4, Associate Director), Joel Pedersen (Thrust 4), Dominique Brossard (Societal Implications), Jon McCarthy (Facilities), John Moore (Education & Outreach), and Andrew Greenberg (Education & Outreach). The research is carried out by Thrust groups on a rolling horizon basis and smaller seed groups on a limited-term (2 - 3 year) basis... The University of Wisconsin-Madison Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center in Templated Synthesis and Assembly at the Nanoscale, funded by the National Science Foundation, addresses grand challenges associated with directed assembly of nanoscale materials into functional systems and architectures through the use of self-assembly, chemical patterning, and external fields. Public..