Updated 937 days ago
Kalkwerkstraße 23 71737 Kirchberg/Murr Germany
Whether standard or special application, whether pressure switch, relay, hydraulic cylinder or moulding: Layher is always the right address when you need a quick, precise and in particular innovative solution...
And if we can't offer it as a standard product, we manufacture it for you. We can draw on vast know-how and many years of experience and offer you the highest levels of safety thanks to our certified quality management system...
We do that with our own Swabian determination and persistence. This is the attitude that has led the Layher engineers and developers to find many a solution that has opened up unforeseen possibilities. In the interests of our customers to whom we feel committed for the long term. Have you got difficult applications to handle? Challenge us and our technical competence - we are looking forward to the new expectations!
Also known as: Layher AG
VAT numbers: DE811433133
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