Updated 29 days ago
- Age: 23 years
- ID: 12855563/141
Vannda Institute of Battambang # 271, St. 614, battambang, Cambodia
Business regards skill, knowledge and people as the most valuable assets to succeed in the real-world competition. People have primary gained their skill and knowledge to meet the need of business entities through the education providers. That is why Vanda Institute of Accounting was established. It provides true quality learning and teaching to match business and skill people. Vanda Institute of Accounting (VIA), founded in 2001, primary focuses on the education Cambodian students who wish to meet the business need and to grasp the opportunities as to become new emerging entrepreneurs. Although, VIA is a new tertiary education provider, its reputation has spread through out nation-wide with quality of course offered and teaching in accounting. Also, VIA brings advance technologies equipments and provides beautiful classroom and study environment to all students. As a result, VIA currently educates more than 2000 Cambodian students. Our academic staffs have done extensive works to..