Updated 168 days ago
395 Pearsall Ave. Unit D Cedarhurst, N.Y. 11516
we noticed that a serious issue amongst our clients has been dizziness and unexplained falls. After extensive research we discovered the FallTrak test, a way for people to improve their balance and decrease their chance of falling. FallTrak is a balance technology system that accurately screens and diagnoses an increased risk for falls. After the initial screening, if a balance disorder is found, we provide a Video NystagmoGraphy (VNG) test to pinpoint the cause of the disorder. Determining a higher propensity for a fall provides physicians with the proper Knowledge necessary in prescribing appropriate therapy to avoid a fall, one of the leading causes of death and injury amongst the elderly... regain their balance and improve their quality of life. Many over the age of 65 have a fear of falling or have fallen already. We have designed a mobile diagnostic clinic to accommodate our client's by going to them. We have many technicians on staff who are extremely helpful and knowledgeable..
Also known as: Balance Diagnostics Corp.