Updated 358 days ago
105 Washington Square Ste. 203 Bucyrus, Ohio 44820
Our mission is to assure the availability of addiction and mental health services to the residents of Marion County and Crawford County. We work with our partners, schools, courts, job and family services, law enforcement, etc., to assess county needs and develop priorities. We then contract for services with agencies that have the appropriate licenses and credentials. We also evaluate the effectiveness of those services... Our network of critical support services strives to provide a unified system of treatment and follow-up care so those served don't "fall through the cracks." It is our goal to actively protect and maintain the dignity and individual liberty of those we serve, while helping them become healthy, active members in our community... About The Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health (ADAMH) Board of Crawford and Marion Counties is led by a governing board of 14 volunteer community members. Our Mission Our mission is to assure the availability of addiction and mental..