Updated today
- Age: 24 years
- ID: 12526529/149
8 Nikau Way, Riverhead 0820, New Zealand
EAP Executive is trusted by EAP and Mental Health providers across the UK, Europe, North America and Australasia. Fully GDPR compliant and highly secure, it is surprisingly easy to use...
Executive Software was founded in November 2001 and EAP Executive was originally developed for New Zealand's largest EAP Provider (EAP Services Ltd) in 2002. Version 1 went live mid-2003 - so you can see we've been around a long time! The project, implementation, and software solution resulted in EAP Services winning the ComputerWorld Excellence award...
We proudly support and sponsor the Australian EAP Conference. We are members of the EAP UK association and support EAEF. We are knowledgeable in the industry and know from the latest market research figures that we are servicing a growth industry heavily reliant on technology to provide their services.
Also known as: EAP Executive
Associated domains: eapcloud.co, eapcloud.com, eapcloud.net, eapcloud.org, eapcore.com, eapcore.net, eapcore.org, eapexch.com, eapexch.net, eapexchange.com, eapexchange.net, eapexchange.org, eapexecutive.net, es-websites-main.azurewebsites.net, execsoft.net, execsoftw.com, execsoftw.net, execsoftware.net, execsw.com, execsw.net, executivesoft.net, executivesw.com, executivesw.net