Updated 9 days ago
- Age: 39 years
- ID: 12519921/150
2025 California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, California 93407
The DPTC is exclusively dedicated to dairy foods research, industry support, technology transfer, and education. Cal Poly is one of the primary training institutions for people entering dairy foods industry careers...
The Cal Poly Dairy Products Technology Center was formed in 1986 to meet the growing needs of the dairy industry for relevant research, industry training, and skilled graduates. Our Institute is one of six dairy centers of excellence in the United States. Cal Poly has invested in, and firmly established a solid infrastructure of technical expertise, processing and lab research equipment, and industry partnerships to address current and future needs of the dairy industry. The Institute is not only recognized throughout California, but also nationally and internationally as a center of excellence for research, industry technology transfer, and education in dairy foods...