Updated 919 days ago
400 Stone Creek Ridge Drive , McGregor, TX, 76657
Lime is one of man's oldest and widely used chemicals. The focus of the LAT is the promotion of lime in pavement construction and soils improvement along with many other uses in the environmental, industrial and public sectors... The Lime Association of Texas promotes the quality use of lime through education, training, technical support, specification review and listening to the needs of the customers and specifiers. Contact the Lime Association for information about our programs or for any questions regarding MAN'S MOST VERSATILE CHEMICAL... The Lime Association of Texas (LAT) represents the collective interests of an industry with a long history of service to the State of Texas. Quality, integrity and responsive action to the customers and governmental agencies of Texas are the hallmark of the LAT mission. The member companies engage in the manufacture of high quality lime products and guide the efforts of the industry through participation in the LAT to the benefit the end users..
Also known as: Lime