Cindi Sherman

Job Titles:
  • Art Director
  • Production

Fred Dawson - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Editor
  • Member of the BIR Management Team
  • Editorial
Along with leading BIR, Dawson oversees editorial operations of the company, serving as editor of ScreenPlays Magazine and the ScreenPlays Information Marketplace. Dawson has been active in the broadband industry for the past 20 years as a publisher of newsletters, including the Cable-Telco Report, the DBS Report and Broadband Commerce & Technology, and as a contributor to industry publications, including XChange Magazine, Interactive Week, Multichannel News and CED. During that time he held various positions in editorial management, including vice president of editorial at Virgo Publishing and editor-in-chief at Cablevision Magazine. Dawson is also the author of a book on cable broadband technology - "Optimizing the Future with Next-Generation DOCSIS" - published by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers.

Joe Bullard - CFO, COO

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • COO
  • Member of the BIR Management Team
  • Administration
Bullard brings to BIR extensive experience as an entrepreneur and business manager in graphics design and digital printing. His company Publication Design, Inc. serves as a leading supplier of digital printing, print and Web site production and design and Web management services in the Rocky Mountain West. PDI brings to BIR the print and Web production knowhow that BIR requires to implement its dynamic publishing strategy. Bullard also brings to BIR deep experience in editing and publication management. He was managing editor of The Denver Post prior to forming PDI and also served as assistant managing editor of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner; managing editor of the Colorado Springs Sun; news editor of the Jacksonville (Fla.) Times Union; and assistant city editor and news editor of The Daily Oklahoman in Oklahoma City.