Job Titles:
- Senior Technical Expert at Haley & Aldrich
Bart Eklund is a Senior Technical Expert at Haley & Aldrich. He has a BS in Chemistry from the University of Illinois-Urbana and over 43 years of experience. He wrote much of the USEPA guidance for addressing air quality at remediation sites. Mr. Eklund first evaluated vapor intrusion (VI) in 1989 at Hill AFB in Utah. Since that time, he has designed field measurement programs and/or performed data evaluation to address VI for over 350 sites in 43 States plus VI sites in approximately 20 other countries. His other activities include organizing five specialty conferences on vapor intrusion; being an author of the ITRC VI guidance document; contributing to State VI Guidance in Kansas and Georgia; and being the primary author of the ASTM D7663 standard for soil gas sampling.
Mr. Eklund is the author of approximately 20 journal articles, 30 US government publications, and 50 papers in conference proceedings. He is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH).
Catherine has over 20 years of professional experience focusing on complex site investigation and remediation projects. Her experience includes management of multi-site remediation portfolios, design and execution of thermal remediation systems, air sparge and soil vapor extraction systems, construction and excavation management, and in-situ chemical oxidation and bioremediation implementation.
Catherine is a subject matter expert for the assessment and management of residential, commercial, and industrial vapor intrusion (VI) investigations. She is responsible for facilitating collaboration and disseminating technology updates, conducting client workshops, and providing VI expertise across portfolios of projects. Regan was a section co-leader for creating petroleum VI guidance for the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) and participated as a trainer for ITRC's classroom training offerings. Currently, she serves as a section co-leader and internet-based trainer for ITRC's next VI guidance on VI mitigation technologies.
Job Titles:
- Senior Vice President at QED Environmental Systems
David Kaminski is Senior Vice President at QED Environmental Systems. Over the past 40 years, he has designed and installed ground-water pumping and sampling systems for sites throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America. Mr. Kaminski has developed new devices and methods for ground-water sampling and groundwater remediation applications and has been awarded four US patents. He has also published several journal and conference papers on ground-water sampling practices and pumping system design. Mr. Kaminski has presented hundreds of seminars, short courses, and field courses on ground-water sampling for leading industry professional organizations, universities, and regulatory agencies worldwide. He is a member of the standards organization ASTM International and was Chairman of ASTM's Ground Water Sample Collection Committee from 1990 to 2008, during which time he co-authored several standards on monitoring well purging methods and sampling device selection. Mr. Kaminski is also a member of the National Ground Water Association, the International Solid Waste Association, the Solid Waste Association of North America, and the California Groundwater Resources Association.
Job Titles:
- Senior Principal Engineer With Geosyntec Consultants
Douglas G. Larson is a Senior Principal Engineer with Geosyntec Consultants in Boston, MA, where he manages the firm's northeast U.S. operations. He has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in several states and a Licensed Site Professional (LSP) in Massachusetts. Dr. Larson has worked on hazardous waste site remediation projects since 1985, including projects at dozens of Superfund sites throughout the United States. He has helped advance the full-scale implementation of several innovative remediation technologies, and he has designed and managed the application of a wide range of remedial strategies including bioremediation, chemical oxidation, soil vapor extraction (SVE), multi-phase extraction (MPE), air sparging, in situ thermal treatment, groundwater extraction and treatment, and in situ reactive barriers.
Dr. Larson is frequently consulted on Brownfield redevelopment projects and projects involving environmental liability transfers. Dr. Larson has taught at Tufts University and the University of Massachusetts Lowell, and he lectures at universities and conferences throughout the U.S. on remediation topics.
John A. Cherry holds geological engineering degrees from the University of Saskatchewan and the University of California, Berkley, and a Ph.D. in hydrogeology from the University of Illinois. He was a faculty member at the University of Manitoba for four years before joining the faculty at the University of Waterloo in 1971 where his research focused on field studies of the migration and fate of contaminants in groundwater and groundwater remediation. He retired from the University of Waterloo in 2006 and was granted the title Distinguished Professor Emeritus in 2007.
He co-authored the textbook "Ground Water" with R.A. Freeze (1979) and co-edited and coauthored several chapters in the book "Dense Chlorinated Solvents and Other DNAPLs in Groundwater" (1996). In addition to research concerning subsurface contaminant behavior, he has participated in the development of several technologies for groundwater monitoring and remediation and co-holds several patents. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and has received awards for groundwater contamination research from scientific and engineering societies in Canada, the United States, and the U.K. He held the Research Chair in Contaminant Hydrogeology at the University of Waterloo (1996-2006) and is currently the Director of the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research, established in 1988, and is an adjunct professor in the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph.
Murray D. Einarson is a Principal Hydrogeologist with Haley & Aldrich in Oakland, California. . He has a B.A. in geology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and an M.Sc. in hydrogeology from the University of Waterloo. Mr. Einarson has 30 years of experience as an environmental consultant, and is a Professional Geologist in California. His professional interests focus on developing and promoting superior methods and technologies for environmental site characterization and in situ remediation. He is a pioneer in the development and application of expedited site assessment technologies and has co-authored industry and regulatory guidance documents on this subject. He also holds patents on innovative site assessment technologies, including a dual-tube soil coring system and a multi-level groundwater monitoring system (CMT™ multilevel monitoring system).
Mr. Einarson is a frequent lecturer to environmental regulators in California and other states. He has authored or co-authored dozens of technical publications and regularly serves as a peer reviewer for several technical journals. He has been an instructor in the Waterloo graduate course in field hydrogeology for the last 10 years. In honor of his many accomplishments in the field of contaminant hydrogeology and groundwater protection, the National Ground Water Association awarded Mr. Einarson its Ground Water Technology Award in 2009
Paulo C. Negrão has a degree in Civil Engineering and obtained his Ph.D. from the Institute of Geosciences of UNICAMP. He is the CEO and Technical Director of Clean Environment Brazil. Negrão is one of the pioneers in the development of the Brazilian groundwater remediation market. He was the International Manager of QED Environmental Systems in the USA from 1999 to 2005 and has more than 27 years of experience designing and installing hundreds of sampling and remediation systems in the USA, Europe, Brazil, Australia, China and Japan, among others. He was the pioneer in Brazil, in 1996, in the introduction of the Low Flow Groundwater Sampling method. Negrao served as a professor at Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at PUC Campinas (1998 - 2009).
In 2010, Negrao was the first to introduce the use of a field mobile laboratory in high-resolution investigations and vapor intrusion assessments in Brazil.
He is a professor of the extension courses in Geoenvironmental Investigations at UNICAMP and Remediation Techniques in the post-grad program in Remediation of Contaminated Areas of SENAC/São Paulo. Negrão has given several courses on groundwater remediation and sampling for public, private, and research companies, such as CETESB, Paraná Environmental Institute, FEAM, INEA, UFSCar, UFRN, UFPE, Petrobras/CENPES, IBAMA, CPRM, UNICAMP, INMETRO, USP and IPT among others. He chaired the Brazilian Standards Association work for the elaboration of standards related to the construction of monitoring wells and groundwater sampling procedures.
Job Titles:
- Professional Environmental Engineer
Rachel Klinger is a licensed Florida Professional Environmental Engineer who loves a challenging site. She is also a Senior Principal Engineer and Office Manager with Geosyntec Consultants in Jacksonville, FL.
Her passion lies within remediating contaminated sites using innovative approaches and technologies in order to protect resources for future generations.
With over fifteen years of experience as an environmental consultant Mrs. Klinger's expertise focuses on environmental contamination assessments, remedial alternative evaluation, remedial system design, operation, and optimization, bid package and technical specifications preparation, construction management, agency correspondence and negotiations, groundwater modeling, and vapor intrusion assessment.
Servicing federal, state, and local government entities as well as several power companies, Mrs. Klinger has diverse experience with properties impacted by chlorinated solvents, petroleum products, metals, pesticides, and manufactured gas residuals. Rachel obtained her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Florida State University and her M.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Virginia. In addition to being a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida, she is also a Board Certified Environmental Engineer through the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists.
Job Titles:
- Senior Principal Environmental Engineer With Geosyntec Consultants
Rebecca Daprato is a Senior Principal Environmental Engineer with Geosyntec Consultants in Denver, CO, where she manages the firm's Rockies operations. Dr. Daprato has worked in the field of site investigations and remediation for more than 16 years and has worked for industrial, commercial, municipal, and federal clients under state-mandated and voluntary programs and the US EPA RCRA program. Her primary area of expertise is the evaluation and implementation of bioremediation applications for the remediation of chlorinated solvent impacted groundwater. She has also designed and managed the implementation of excavation, biosparging, air sparging, soil vapor extraction, in situ chemical reduction, groundwater extraction, streambank interceptor trenches, and vapor intrusion mitigation systems.
Dr. Daprato obtained her B.S. in Chemical Engineering and Chemistry from Florida State University and her Ph.D. and M.S. in Environmental Engineering from Rice University. She is a Professional Engineer in Colorado, Texas, Missouri, Florida, and North Carolina. Dr. Daprato was also a contributing auhor of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) Green and Sustainable Remediation technology overview and technical guidance documents and was an internet-based trainer for the Green and Sustainable Remediation Team.
Job Titles:
- Founder & Principal Instructor
- President of Princeton Groundwater Inc., Tampa, Fla., Has Received the 2015 Special Recognition Award from the National Ground Water Association ( NGWA )
Robert W. Cleary was a professor of Civil and Geological Engineering at Princeton University and a Professor of Geosciences at the University of Sao Paulo, Brasil. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and is currently a groundwater consultant and an adjunct professor in the Hydrogeology Field School course of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Dept. of the University of Waterloo. He is a co-author of the first peer-reviewed, chlorinated solvent remediation paper ever published (1981).
His research interests and practical experience include all aspects of groundwater contamination, remediation, hydrology, modeling, site characterization, litigation support and remediation strategies. In addition to numerous technical articles and reports, he has authored book chapters dealing with groundwater hydrology and modeling in English and Portuguese. Considered one of the outstanding teachers in the field, he is a principal lecturer in Princeton Groundwater Inc.'s Groundwater Pollution and Hydrology and Remediation courses in the United States, and Brazil.