Chris O'Donnell

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Chris O'Donnell is a distinguished practitioner with over 20 years of experience providing musculoskeletal pain care and rehabilitation. His thorough understanding of body mechanics and precise treatment techniques effectively alleviate pain and accelerate recovery, helping patients return to their daily activities and sports. Chris is particularly skilled in working with patients who are potential candidates for surgery, working with them to help prevent surgery when possible or to provide comprehensive support both before and after surgery to provide optimal recovery.

Dr. Akasia Nelson

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member

Dr. Harry McIlroy

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Dr. McIlroy looks at people individually and expertly assesses the wide range of available treatment options. He strives for non-invasive, non-prescriptive approaches such as supplements, mind/body techniques, nutrition, lifestyle, herbs, and acupuncture. When necessary, he can provide stronger interventions, such as labs, imaging, or prescriptions. Whatever treatments you decide on together, Dr. McIlroy maintains a comprehensive picture of your overall well-being and ensures that you receive safe, consistent, and incredibly effective health care through a single practitioner. Driven by a strong model of preventative medicine, Dr. McIlroy's compassion, enthusiasm and collaborative style ensure that each patient feels seen and heard. His ultimate goal is to share natural medicine and lifestyle techniques that people can use to take ownership of their health and live a long, passionate life. Background Raised in a family of doctors, Dr. McIlroy has fond memories of poring through his grandfather's medical books as young as age five. A lifelong interest in natural medicine led him to acupuncture school, followed by intensive training in Ashtanga yoga and Ayurvedic studies in Mysore India. Deciding he wanted to add a medical degree to his eclectic background, he graduated from the University of Arizona under mentorship with Dr. Andrew Weil, and completed a residency in Contra Costa Hospital in Family Medicine. In 2012, he co-founded an innovative mental health clinic.

Franco Garritano

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Franco is an active member of many pain organizations and keeps up to date on the latest studies on dry needling and acupuncture in the field of orthopedics, sports medicine and pain.

Jeannie Bianchi

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Jeannie has been in practice since 2004, pursuing expertise in integrative reproductive health and gynecology from the beginning of her graduate studies, including studies with renowned midwife and acupuncturist Raven Lang and a two-year Graduate Mentorship Program for advanced Chinese medicine studies with senior clinician Sharon Weizenbaum. Jeannie is currently working towards certification in functional medicine which blends biochemistry with a holistic, systems-body approach to chronic conditions.

Jonah Hershowitz

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Director