Updated 28 days ago
- Age: 12 years
- ID: 10798641/152
Two Seaport Lane Suite 1300 Boston, MA 02210 USA
Consortium purpose To comply with the new regulation it is required to submit to the European Chemicals Agency extensive technical dossiers about each substance. For almost 2 decades the Members of the Association of Synthetic Amorphous Silica Producers (ASASP), a Sector Group of Cefic, have jointly worked to develop health and safety data and have participated in a number of international Safety Programmes, e.g. HPV/OECD SIDS Program. Given this it was decided to form a consortium, outside of the ASASP sector group, with the purpose to register under REACH all materials covered by the association's work in the past, which are listed below. A membership in the consortium will not grant any rights to data nor information owned by ASASP neither any membership in ASASP itself. © SASFORREACH Consortium GbR 2012 Imprint
Also known as: SAS, SAS / Evaluation SAS, SAS / Substance Evaluation SAS, SASFORREACH, SASFORREACH Consortium GbR
VAT numbers: DE815220578