Updated 21 days ago
116 East Broad Street Falls Church, VA, 22046
USAID Economic Recovery and Livelihoods (USAID/ERLP) focuses on fostering macroeconomic stability in Yemen, building private sector competitiveness, and improving livelihoods and prospects-particularly for women and youth. Working with the Central Bank of Yemen, Ministry of Finance, and Customs and Port Authorities, Pragma is laying the groundwork for sound macro-financial policies, improved trade, and more sustainable business, income, and job growth... USAID Management Support and Technical Analysis Services Project (USAID/MSTAS) Pragma advised on performance monitoring, evaluation, research, planning, communications, and outreach for all facets of the USAID Africa Bureau's Office of Sustainable Development, which supports countries across Sub-Saharan Africa. We conducted policy analyses, knowledge management activities, and best practice reviews designed to facilitate enhanced trade/investment integration and outreach strategies for key growth sectors (e.g., ICT, agribusiness,..