PIB LAW - History of Changes

2024-12-20 delete cfo Kelley S. Brenden
2024-12-20 delete address 695 Town Center Drive, 16th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626
2024-12-20 insert address 3070 Bristol Street, Suite 660 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
2024-12-20 update person_description Kelley S. Brenden => Kelley S. Brenden
2024-12-20 update person_title Kelley S. Brenden: Chief Operating Officer; Director of Finance => Chief Operating Officer; Chief Operating Officer and Director of Diversity and Inclusion
2024-09-16 delete email da..@piblaw.com
2024-09-16 delete email ma..@piblaw.com
2024-09-16 delete person Daniel Schleifstein
2024-09-16 delete person Mark S. Winter
2024-03-14 delete personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 delete personal_emails ne..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 insert coo Kelley S. Brenden
2024-03-14 insert personal_emails ta..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 delete email ne..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 delete person Christopher P. Spina
2024-03-14 delete person Neha Rao
2024-03-14 insert email ta..@piblaw.com
2024-03-14 insert person Tania Corbacho
2024-03-14 update person_title Jesse A. Lopez: Certified Paralegal; Director of Business Operations and Litigation Procedures => Certified Paralegal; Director of Litigation
2024-03-14 update person_title Kelley S. Brenden: Director of Finance => Chief Operating Officer; Director of Finance
2023-07-18 delete coo Christopher G. Sweet
2023-07-18 delete personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2023-07-18 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2023-07-18 delete email su..@piblaw.com
2023-07-18 delete person Christopher G. Sweet
2023-07-18 delete person Susan Radzimski
2023-04-23 delete address 187 Ballardvale Street, 2nd Floor Wilmington, MA 01887
2023-04-23 insert address 187 Ballardvale Street, 2nd Floor Suite A202A Wilmington, MA 01887
2023-02-19 update person_title Matthew Henderson: Associate => Partner
2022-11-15 delete personal_emails va..@piblaw.com
2022-11-15 delete email em..@piblaw.com
2022-11-15 delete email va..@piblaw.com
2022-11-15 delete person Emeka Madubuogo
2022-11-15 delete person Vanessa L. Williams
2022-10-15 delete personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2022-10-15 delete address 2 Oliver Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02109
2022-10-15 delete email ka..@piblaw.com
2022-10-15 delete email la..@piblaw.com
2022-10-15 delete person Laurence P. Chirch
2022-10-15 insert address 187 Ballardvale Street, 2nd Floor Wilmington, MA 01887
2022-09-13 delete personal_emails da..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete personal_emails di..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete personal_emails ni..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete personal_emails pe..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete email da..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete email di..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete email ni..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete email pe..@piblaw.com
2022-09-13 delete person David Liu
2022-09-13 delete person Diana Cordoba-Riera
2022-09-13 delete person Nicole Marshall
2022-09-13 delete person Peter A. Swift
2022-09-13 update person_title Jesse A. Lopez: Director of Litigation Procedures => Certified Paralegal; Director of Business Operations and Litigation Procedures
2022-07-14 delete personal_emails as..@piblaw.com
2022-07-14 delete email as..@piblaw.com
2022-07-14 delete person Ashlee C. Murph
2022-06-13 delete personal_emails tr..@piblaw.com
2022-06-13 delete email tr..@piblaw.com
2022-06-13 delete person Tracy L. DeWitt
2022-06-13 insert email em..@piblaw.com
2022-06-13 insert person Emeka Madubuogo
2022-06-13 update person_description Anthony E. Santoriello => Anthony E. Santoriello
2022-05-13 insert email su..@piblaw.com
2022-05-13 insert person Susan Radzimski
2022-04-12 delete personal_emails br..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete personal_emails me..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete personal_emails na..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete personal_emails ra..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 insert personal_emails ne..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email br..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email he..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email me..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email na..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email pe..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete email ra..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 delete person Brian A. Turetsky
2022-04-12 delete person Charles W. Miller, III
2022-04-12 delete person Heather Stern
2022-04-12 delete person Melinda Colón Cox
2022-04-12 delete person Nathania Reyes
2022-04-12 delete person Perla Medina
2022-04-12 delete person Rachel G. Packer
2022-04-12 insert email ne..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 insert email sh..@piblaw.com
2022-04-12 insert person Neha Rao
2022-04-12 insert person Shirley Moreno
2022-04-12 update person_title David Liu: Associate; Associate With => Partner
2022-04-12 update person_title Vanessa L. Williams: Associate => Partner / New York
2021-09-24 delete cfo Regis M. Quirin
2021-09-24 insert cfo Milind D. Patel
2021-09-24 insert chiefriskofficer Regis M. Quirin
2021-09-24 delete email jo..@piblaw.com
2021-09-24 delete person Jonathan M. Etkowicz
2021-09-24 update person_title Milind D. Patel: Controller => Chief Financial Officer
2021-09-24 update person_title Regis M. Quirin: Chief Financial Officer => Chief Risk Officer
2021-08-25 delete personal_emails an..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete personal_emails do..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete personal_emails ky..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email an..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email as..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email do..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email ka..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email ky..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete email ro..@piblaw.com
2021-08-25 delete person Anthony Paul Scali
2021-08-25 delete person Asha Abraham
2021-08-25 delete person Donald Seeley
2021-08-25 delete person Karena Straub
2021-08-25 delete person Kyle Stefanczyk
2021-08-25 delete person Mitchell Zipkin
2021-08-25 delete person Robert D. Bailey
2021-08-25 update person_description Ashlee C. Murph => Ashlee C. Murph
2021-08-25 update person_title Ashlee C. Murph: Associate; Associate / Director of Diversity and Inclusion => Named Director of Diversity and Inclusion; Director of Diversity and Inclusion
2021-07-23 delete chieflegalofficer Molly Sheehan
2021-07-23 insert personal_emails as..@piblaw.com
2021-07-23 insert personal_emails as..@piblaw.com
2021-07-23 delete email be..@piblaw.com
2021-07-23 delete person Ben Z. Raindorf
2021-07-23 insert email as..@piblaw.com
2021-07-23 insert email as..@piblaw.com
2021-07-23 insert person Ashlee C. Murph
2021-07-23 insert person Ashley Ragan
2021-07-23 update person_description Anthony E. Santoriello => Anthony E. Santoriello
2021-07-23 update person_title Molly Sheehan: Senior Counsel => Senior Management
2021-06-21 delete personal_emails am..@piblaw.com
2021-06-21 delete personal_emails br..@piblaw.com
2021-06-21 delete email am..@piblaw.com
2021-06-21 delete email br..@piblaw.com
2021-06-21 delete person Brian M. Gaynor
2021-05-21 delete personal_emails as..@piblaw.com
2021-05-21 delete email as..@piblaw.com
2021-05-21 delete person Ashlee C. Murph
2021-04-05 delete personal_emails br..@piblaw.com
2021-04-05 insert chieflegalofficer Hon. R. Benjamin Cohen
2021-04-05 insert chieflegalofficer John Weber
2021-04-05 insert chieflegalofficer Molly Sheehan
2021-04-05 delete email br..@piblaw.com
2021-04-05 delete person Bryan Christenson
2021-04-05 update person_title Hon. R. Benjamin Cohen: of Counsel => Senior Counsel
2021-04-05 update person_title John Weber: of Counsel => Senior Counsel
2021-04-05 update person_title Kyle Stefanczyk: Associate => Counsel
2021-04-05 update person_title Molly Sheehan: of Counsel => Senior Counsel
2021-04-05 update person_title Robert N. Pollock: Associate => Partner
2021-04-05 update person_title Tracy L. DeWitt: Director of Litigation Procedures => Partner / Director of Litigation Procedures
2021-01-26 update person_description Anthony E. Santoriello => Anthony E. Santoriello
2020-06-16 insert privacy_emails pr..@piblaw.com
2020-06-16 delete about_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete career_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete management_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete service_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2020-06-16 insert email pr..@piblaw.com
2020-06-16 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2020-04-16 insert personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2020-04-16 insert email ka..@piblaw.com
2020-04-16 insert person Kathleen Cavanaugh
2020-03-17 delete personal_emails je..@piblaw.com
2020-03-17 delete email je..@piblaw.com
2020-03-17 delete person Jenny L. Merris
2020-02-16 insert personal_emails pe..@piblaw.com
2020-02-16 delete email bo..@piblaw.com
2020-02-16 delete email mo..@piblaw.com
2020-02-16 delete person Boris Peyzner
2020-02-16 delete person Moira S. Batista
2020-02-16 insert email pe..@piblaw.com
2020-02-16 insert person Peter A. Swift
2020-01-16 delete address 2 North LaSalle Street Suite 1100 Chicago, IL 60602
2020-01-16 delete fax 312.794.7405
2020-01-16 delete phone 312.801.4100
2020-01-16 delete source_ip
2020-01-16 insert email ma..@piblaw.com
2020-01-16 insert person Mark S. Winter
2020-01-16 insert phone 617.918.7600
2020-01-16 insert source_ip
2020-01-16 insert source_ip
2019-12-15 delete source_ip
2019-12-15 insert source_ip
2019-10-16 insert email la..@piblaw.com
2019-10-16 insert person Laurence P. Chirch
2019-09-15 insert personal_emails am..@piblaw.com
2019-09-15 insert personal_emails do..@piblaw.com
2019-09-15 delete address One Financial Center, 15th Floor Boston, MA 02111
2019-09-15 insert address 2 Oliver Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02109
2019-09-15 insert email am..@piblaw.com
2019-09-15 insert email do..@piblaw.com
2019-09-15 insert email pe..@piblaw.com
2019-09-15 insert person Amani Abdellah
2019-09-15 insert person Donald Seeley
2019-09-15 insert person Perla Medina
2019-07-16 delete cmo Ilyssa Sena
2019-07-16 delete personal_emails ca..@piblaw.com
2019-07-16 delete personal_emails il..@piblaw.com
2019-07-16 delete email ca..@piblaw.com
2019-07-16 delete email il..@piblaw.com
2019-07-16 delete person Carl D. Carlucci
2019-07-16 delete person Ilyssa Sena
2019-07-16 delete source_ip
2019-07-16 insert source_ip
2019-06-16 delete personal_emails an..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete personal_emails ja..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete personal_emails ma..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete personal_emails ta..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email an..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email br..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email el..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email he..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email ja..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email je..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email ka..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email ma..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email sc..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email st..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete email ta..@piblaw.com
2019-06-16 delete person Andrew S. Hollins
2019-06-16 delete person Brieanna M. Dolmage
2019-06-16 delete person Elizabeth Sutlian-Mardikian
2019-06-16 delete person Heather Karl
2019-06-16 delete person Jang Kang
2019-06-16 delete person Jennifer P. Tusko
2019-06-16 delete person Kathleen Carter
2019-06-16 delete person Matthew J. Libby
2019-06-16 delete person Scott W. Monroe
2019-06-16 delete person Steve W. Pornbida
2019-06-16 delete person Tamara M. Heathcote
2019-06-16 update person_description Anthony Paul Scali => Anthony Paul Scali
2019-05-16 delete personal_emails ha..@piblaw.com
2019-05-16 delete personal_emails pa..@piblaw.com
2019-05-16 delete email ha..@piblaw.com
2019-05-16 delete email pa..@piblaw.com
2019-05-16 delete email wa..@piblaw.com
2019-05-16 delete person Harold L. Kofman
2019-05-16 delete person Patrick S. Tracey
2019-05-16 delete person Wayne E. George
2019-04-14 delete personal_emails jo..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete personal_emails ju..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 insert personal_emails an..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete email jo..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete email ju..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete email ke..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete email ro..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 delete person Jonathan C. Bond
2019-04-14 delete person Juan S. Lopez
2019-04-14 delete person Keith Salmeri
2019-04-14 delete person Rory D. Leos
2019-04-14 insert email an..@piblaw.com
2019-04-14 insert person Anthony Paul Scali
2019-03-07 delete personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2019-03-07 delete personal_emails lo..@piblaw.com
2019-03-07 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2019-03-07 delete email ka..@piblaw.com
2019-03-07 delete email lo..@piblaw.com
2019-03-07 delete person Chelsea Hollins
2019-03-07 delete person Kaitlyn Q. Chang
2019-03-07 delete person Louis Chang
2019-02-02 delete personal_emails ja..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete personal_emails ja..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete personal_emails ke..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete personal_emails st..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete personal_emails th..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 insert cfo Kelley S. Brenden
2019-02-02 insert personal_emails ha..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email ed..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email ja..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email ja..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email ke..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email st..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete email th..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 delete person Edmund H. Mizumoto
2019-02-02 delete person James J. Wong
2019-02-02 delete person James M. Behmke
2019-02-02 delete person Kenneth J. Heywood
2019-02-02 delete person Stephen D. LeBarron
2019-02-02 delete person Thomas S. Dolan
2019-02-02 delete phone 617.918.7600
2019-02-02 insert email ha..@piblaw.com
2019-02-02 insert person Harold L. Kofman
2019-02-02 update person_description Andrew S. Hollins => Andrew S. Hollins
2019-02-02 update person_title Kelley S. Brenden: Director of Billing => Director of Finance
2018-12-29 delete personal_emails ra..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 insert personal_emails st..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 delete email ma..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 delete email ra..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 delete person Maryam S. Farvid
2018-12-29 delete person Rashana E. Cain
2018-12-29 insert email ed..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 insert email st..@piblaw.com
2018-12-29 insert person Edmund H. Mizumoto
2018-12-29 update person_title Christopher G. Sweet: Chief Operating Officer; Joins PIB Law As Chief Operating Officer => Chief Operating Officer
2018-11-11 delete otherexecutives Frank Senkewicz
2018-11-11 insert cio Frank Senkewicz
2018-11-11 insert coo Christopher G. Sweet
2018-11-11 insert personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2018-11-11 delete person Anthony W. Vaughn
2018-11-11 insert email ch..@piblaw.com
2018-11-11 insert person Christopher G. Sweet
2018-11-11 update person_title Frank Senkewicz: Director of Information Technology => Chief Information Officer
2018-11-11 update person_title Heather Stern: President; Partner => President; Partner; Installed As President of the Women Lawyer 's Association of Los Angeles
2018-10-07 delete personal_emails je..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 delete personal_emails ni..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert personal_emails ju..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert personal_emails na..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert personal_emails ra..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 delete email je..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 delete email ni..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 delete email sk..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 delete person Jeffrey Gillard
2018-10-07 delete person Nicholas F. Spindler
2018-10-07 delete person Skyler J. May
2018-10-07 insert email ju..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert email ma..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert email mo..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert email na..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert email ra..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert email wa..@piblaw.com
2018-10-07 insert person Justin W. Fong
2018-10-07 insert person Marissa Edwards
2018-10-07 insert person Moira S. Batista
2018-10-07 insert person Nathania Reyes
2018-10-07 insert person Rachel G. Packer
2018-10-07 insert person Wayne E. George
2018-10-07 update person_description Anthony E. Santoriello => Anthony E. Santoriello
2018-10-07 update person_title Fred W. Hoensch: Partner / Philadelphia => Partner
2018-09-03 delete personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert personal_emails as..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert personal_emails ja..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 delete email wi..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 delete person Christopher Somma
2018-09-03 delete person William Idleman
2018-09-03 insert email as..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert email ch..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert email el..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert email ja..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert email ro..@piblaw.com
2018-09-03 insert person Ashlee C. Murph
2018-09-03 insert person Christopher P. Spina
2018-09-03 insert person Elizabeth Sutlian-Mardikian
2018-09-03 insert person James J. Wong
2018-09-03 insert person Rory D. Leos
2018-07-27 delete personal_emails an..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete personal_emails ev..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete email an..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete email ch..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete email ev..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete email ka..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 delete person Anthony Del Guercio
2018-07-27 delete person Christopher Pesch
2018-07-27 delete person Evan J. Molloy
2018-07-27 delete person Kari Probst
2018-07-27 insert email ke..@piblaw.com
2018-07-27 insert person James Behmke Sworn
2018-07-27 insert person Keith Salmeri
2018-07-27 insert person Mitchell Zipkin
2018-07-27 update person_description Mitchell S. Kurtz => Mitchell S. Kurtz
2018-07-27 update person_title Daniel Schleifstein: Associate => Partner
2018-07-27 update person_title Diane C. Ragosa: Associate; Associate With => Partner
2018-07-27 update person_title Mitchell S. Kurtz: Associate; Associate With => Partner
2018-06-08 delete personal_emails an..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 delete personal_emails ma..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert personal_emails br..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert personal_emails ca..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert personal_emails ra..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 delete email an..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 delete email kr..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 delete email ma..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 delete person Anita Murray
2018-06-08 delete person Kristin Mykulak
2018-06-08 delete person Mark Mako
2018-06-08 delete person Olga O'Donnell
2018-06-08 insert email br..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert email ca..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert email ka..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert email ra..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert email ro..@piblaw.com
2018-06-08 insert person Carl D. Carlucci
2018-06-08 insert person Kari Probst
2018-06-08 insert person Rashana E. Cain
2018-06-08 insert person Robert N. Pollock
2018-04-16 delete personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2018-04-16 insert otherexecutives Boston Bar Association
2018-04-16 insert personal_emails pa..@piblaw.com
2018-04-16 delete email ro..@piblaw.com
2018-04-16 delete person Robert Diehl
2018-04-16 insert email pa..@piblaw.com
2018-04-16 insert person Patrick S. Tracey
2018-04-16 update person_description Jeffrey Adams => Jeffrey D. Adams
2018-04-16 update person_title Boston Bar Association: Co - Chair => Council Member; Co - Chair; Governing Council, Present Co - Chair Boston Law Day, 2017; Member of the Education Committee
2018-03-05 delete source_ip
2018-03-05 insert index_pages_linkeddomain facebook.com
2018-03-05 insert index_pages_linkeddomain linkedin.com
2018-03-05 insert index_pages_linkeddomain twitter.com
2018-03-05 insert source_ip
2018-03-05 update robots_txt_status www.piblaw.com: 404 => 200
2018-01-26 delete person Clifford Weber
2018-01-26 insert person Brieanna Dolmage
2017-12-18 delete personal_emails br..@piblaw.com
2017-12-18 delete email br..@piblaw.com
2017-12-18 insert person Andrew Hollins
2017-12-18 insert person Chelsea Hollins
2017-12-18 insert person Christopher Pesch
2017-12-18 insert person Heather Karl
2017-12-18 insert person Jang Kang
2017-12-18 insert person Kathy Carter
2017-12-18 insert person Louis Chang
2017-12-18 insert person Tamara Heathcote
2017-11-11 insert person Robert Bailey
2017-11-11 update person_description Sanjay P. Ibrahim => Sanjay P. Ibrahim
2017-10-13 insert person Christopher Somma
2017-08-31 delete person Julie Nichols Matthews
2017-08-31 insert person Clifford Weber
2017-08-31 insert person Juan Lopez
2017-06-20 insert person Matthew Henderson
2017-05-03 delete person James Sabovich
2017-05-03 delete person Jeffrey A. Kramer
2017-05-03 delete person Nathan Mendenhall
2017-05-03 delete person Rafael Garcia-Salgado
2017-02-16 delete person Chanel L. Oldham
2017-02-16 insert person Mark Mako
2017-01-18 delete person Christopher J. Donewald
2017-01-18 delete person Leonard Spinelli
2017-01-18 insert person Brian Gaynor
2016-11-22 insert person Anita Murray
2016-10-22 insert person Asha Abraham
2016-10-22 update person_description Hon. R. Benjamin Cohen => Hon. R. Benjamin Cohen
2016-06-30 delete person John M. Falzone
2016-06-30 delete person Matthew Pustay
2016-06-30 delete person Peter Colonna Romano
2016-06-30 insert person Jeffrey A. Kramer
2016-06-30 insert person John Weber
2016-06-30 insert person Karena Straub
2016-06-30 insert person Kyle Stefanczyk
2016-06-30 insert person Leonard Spinelli
2016-04-26 delete person Ilyssa B. Sena
2016-04-26 delete person Michael B. Schultz
2016-04-26 insert person Bryant S. Delgadillo
2016-04-26 insert person Rafael Garcia-Salgado
2016-04-26 update person_description Jeffrey Adams => Jeffrey Adams
2016-03-04 insert person William Idleman
2016-02-02 delete person Sheri M. Kanesaka
2016-01-03 delete person Matthew M. Kovalcik
2016-01-03 insert person Daniel Schleifstein
2016-01-03 insert person David Liu
2016-01-03 insert person James Sabovich
2016-01-03 insert person Jeffrey Adams
2015-11-01 delete person Joseph H. Lemkin
2015-11-01 delete person Monica N. Watson
2015-11-01 delete person Pamela Soggu
2015-11-01 delete person Timothy R. Oberleiton
2015-11-01 insert person Heather Stern
2015-11-01 insert person Nathan Mendenhall
2015-11-01 insert person Nicholas F. Spindler
2015-09-06 delete person Krista A. Smokowski
2015-09-06 delete person Richard C. Kielbania
2015-08-08 delete address 300 Convent Street, 12th floor San Antonio, TX 78205
2015-08-08 delete fax 210.528.1010
2015-08-08 delete person LaShon L. Harris
2015-08-08 delete person Leonard S. Spinelli
2015-08-08 delete person Suzanne Iazzetta
2015-08-08 delete person Zenobia Harris Bivens
2015-08-08 delete phone 210.503.8300
2015-05-29 delete person James M. Sabovich
2015-05-29 insert person Charles W. Miller, III
2015-05-29 insert person Julie Nichols Matthews
2015-05-29 insert person Kristin Mykulak
2015-04-29 delete address 2 North LaSalle Street, 11th floor Chicago, IL 60602
2015-04-29 insert person Chanel L. Oldham
2015-04-29 insert person James M. Sabovich
2015-04-29 insert person Pamela Soggu
2015-04-29 insert person Vanessa L. Williams
2015-04-01 delete fax 210.503.1010
2015-04-01 delete person Scott S. Rose
2015-04-01 delete person Thomas S. Van
2015-04-01 delete person Tony J. Cheng
2015-04-01 insert address 2 North LaSalle Street, 11th floor Chicago, IL 60602
2015-04-01 insert person Chad J. Brandel
2015-04-01 insert person Diane C. Ragosa
2015-04-01 insert person Fred W. Hoensch
2015-04-01 insert person Suzanne Iazzetta
2015-04-01 insert person Zenobia Harris Bivens
2015-02-21 delete alias Parker Ibrahim & Berg
2015-02-21 delete alias Parker Ibrahim & Berg LLC
2015-02-21 delete person Kashif Chand
2015-02-21 delete person Megan Strickland
2015-02-21 insert address 695 Town Center Drive, 16th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626
2015-02-21 insert alias PIB Law
2015-02-21 insert fax 714.784.4190
2015-02-21 insert person Jenny L. Merris
2015-02-21 insert person John M. Sorich
2015-02-21 insert person LaShon L. Harris
2015-02-21 insert person Mariel A. Gerlt-Ferraro
2015-02-21 insert person Sheri M. Kanesaka
2015-02-21 insert person Thomas S. Van
2015-02-21 insert person Tony J. Cheng
2015-02-21 insert phone 714.361.9550
2015-02-21 update name Parker Ibrahim & Berg => PIB Law
2015-02-21 update person_description Molly Sheehan => Molly Sheehan
2015-01-23 insert address One Financial Center, 15th Floor Boston, MA 02111
2014-12-18 insert person Brian Keatts
2014-12-18 insert person Olga O'Donnell
2014-11-10 delete address 1 Financial Center, 15th Floor Boston, MA 02110
2014-11-10 delete person Katherine A. Ritchie
2014-11-10 insert address One Financial Center, 15th Floor Boston, MA 02110
2014-11-10 insert fax 617.918.7878
2014-11-10 insert person James M. Behmke
2014-11-10 insert person Kenneth Heywood
2014-11-10 insert person Stephen LeBarron
2014-11-10 insert phone 617.918.7600
2014-10-12 insert phone 210.503.8300
2014-10-12 update person_title Anthony Del Guercio: Partner; Member of ARIAS - US => Managing Partner of the Philadelphia Office; Partner; Member of ARIAS - US
2014-09-03 insert person Michael B. Goldberg
2014-09-03 update person_description Molly Sheehan => Molly Sheehan
2014-07-28 insert address 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite 625 Chicago, IL 60602
2014-07-28 insert person Krista Smokowski
2014-07-28 insert person Monica Watson
2014-07-28 insert person Robert J. Emanuel
2014-07-28 insert phone 312.801.4100
2014-07-28 update person_title Mr. Anthony Santoriello: Attorney => Counsel With
2014-06-21 update person_description Anthony Del Guercio => Anthony Del Guercio
2014-06-21 update person_description Anthony W. Vaughn => Anthony W. Vaughn
2014-05-17 delete person Michael O'Hara
2014-05-17 delete person Naomi Mendelsohn
2014-05-17 insert person Ken Massey
2014-05-17 insert person Scott S. Rose
2014-04-13 update person_description John M. Falzone => John M. Falzone
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ch..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ev..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ja..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ka..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ma..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails me..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails mi..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails mi..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ri..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails ro..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert personal_emails sa..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 delete person Zubin Haghi
2014-03-01 insert email ch..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ev..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ja..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ka..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ka..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ma..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email me..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email mi..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email mi..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ri..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email ro..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert email sa..@piblaw.com
2014-03-01 insert person Naomi Mendelsohn
2014-03-01 insert phone 908.300.3502
2014-03-01 update person_description James Lewis => James Lewis
2014-03-01 update person_description Robert Pollock => Robert Pollock
2013-12-24 delete person Troy Romanowski
2013-12-24 insert person James Lewis
2013-12-24 insert person Michael Schultz
2013-12-24 insert person Mitchell Kurtz
2013-12-24 insert person R. Christopher Owens
2013-11-26 delete address One Liberty Place 1650 Market Street, 36th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19103
2013-11-26 delete fax 215.933.3297
2013-11-26 delete phone 215.795.3095
2013-11-26 insert address 1635 Market Street, 11th floor Philadelphia, PA 19103
2013-11-26 insert person Zubin Haghi
2013-11-26 insert phone 267.908.9800
2013-10-29 delete person Brian Markowitz
2013-09-30 insert person Troy Romanowski
2013-08-23 insert person Brian Markowitz
2013-08-23 insert person Evan Molloy
2013-08-23 insert person Kashif Chand
2013-08-23 insert person Katherine A. Ritchie
2013-08-23 insert person Megan Strickland
2013-08-23 insert person Molly Sheehan
2013-08-23 insert person Richard C. Kielbania
2013-08-23 insert person Robert Pollock
2013-08-23 insert person Sarah Scott
2013-08-23 update person_title John M. Falzone: Counsel to => Partner
2013-05-15 insert personal_emails be..@piblaw.com
2013-05-15 delete email be..@piblaw.com
2013-05-15 insert email be..@piblaw.com
2013-04-17 insert person Hon. R. Benjamin Cohen
2013-04-17 insert person Sean Mitchell
2013-04-17 update person_title John M. Falzone: Associate With => Counsel to