Updated 876 days ago
Dr. McCarthy has personally investigated many of the major disasters of modern times, including the loss of the Amoco Cadiz, the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt walkways, the grounding of the Exxon Valdez, and the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. In 1996, Dr. McCarthy testified for multiple days in the second Menendez brother's murder trial on the crime reconstruction he performed for the prosecution, which ended in their conviction. In 1992, then President Bush appointed Dr. McCarthy to a two-year term on the President's Commission on the National Medal of Science. Dr. McCarthy gave the Commencement Address for the University of Michigan's College of Engineering in April 2008. Most recently Dr. McCarthy was one of the participants in the National Academy of Engineering's investigation of the Macondo Well blowout and spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and one of the coauthors of its final report... "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -..