Updated 4 days ago
GiveMePower is the building surveying expert. Whether it is quick turn-around you need for a specific project or simply on-going updates to as-built floor plans, GiveMePower delivers...
With GiveMePower laser-precise, field created as-builts and existing condition floor plans, what you see in a building is exactly what you get. Using state of the art technologies, GiveMePower delivers detailed accurate building information including walls, openings, windows, areas, perimeters, widths, heights while automatically storing room and building information...
Guarantee precise, intelligent data. Rework, delays, poor quality, incomplete, or inaccurate plans and building information costs everyone in the entire design/build chain valuable time and money. GiveMePower delivers much more than sketches, redrawn plans or simple line drawings.
Also known as: GiveMePower Corp.
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