Bruce has 29 years experience in economic geology (principally epithermal gold as well as polymetallic deposits), responsible for world class gold discoveries in Fiji, Sardinia and PNG, with project management responsibilities (including significant deep drilling programs using diamond and oilfield systems) in New Zealand, Australia, Solomon Islands, Fiji, PNG, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Russia, Italy, Armenia, Mexico, Brazil, Philippines, Korea and Malaysia
A highly accomplished senior manager with an extensive background in exploration, project economics, and feasibility work operating within Australia, Fiji, Russia Asia and South America. Bruce has extensive mining exploration and mine development experience and providing consulting services on an international basis delivering high quality customer outcomes.
Bruce has successfully commercialised on a global basis, the technologies of one of Australia's leading research facilities, developed a technology-based consulting business to achieve significant financial returns and secure contracts with Australian and international blue chip enterprises, established a profitable international consultancy for a leading mining consulting group and established a private consultancy with a client base throughout Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, the Pacific region and Australia.
Juby has 12 years of international business experience commencing her career in Bangalore, India as a design consultant to one of India's largest retail chains she moved to Australia in 1999 to complete post graduate international business studies. As skill facilitator and manager, Juby manages the technical support to the consulting business, primarily with staff contracts & logistics. Most importantly Juby manages technical editing of client reports and public release reports.