Updated 12 days ago
- Age: 29 years
- ID: 10125391/154
Scotland House Rond-Point Schuman 6 1040 Brussels, Belgium
EUBIA, the European Biomass Industry Association, was established in 1996 as an international non profit association in Brussels, Belgium. The organisation represents the interest of its members, SMEs, Research Institutes and Universities working on the field of biomass across Europe. EUBIA has a permanent office in the Scotland House with meeting rooms and facilities available for EUBIA members. The office is within walking distance to the European Parliament and the European Commission... EUBIA's main objective is to support the European biomass industries at all levels, promoting the sustainable use of biomass as a source of energy and bio-based materials, developing innovative bioenergy concepts and fostering international co-operation within the bioenergy field. Given that biomass will have an important role to play in promoting sustainable development world wide and the deployment of clean energies, EUBIA intends to contribute to strengthening the European policies in the..
Also known as: EU Background, EUBIA ASBL, European Biomass Industry Association, The EUBIA ASBL