Updated 864 days ago
P. O. Box 691566 Houston, Texas 77269-1566
East & Associates specializes in the environmental consulting business for the commercial real estate industry. With more than 30 years in business, we provide independent consulting services and project management expertise across the entire environmental spectrum. East & Associates has provided consulting services to financial institutions, private lenders, real estate developers, investors, and individuals... Based in Houston, we pride ourselves in local customer service with national serviceability. While most of work is throughout Texas, we have completed projects in Oklahoma, New Mexico, Louisiana, California, among other states. Our firm is listed as an environmental consulting company in the ExactBid, Inc. RIMS (Real Estate Information Systems) community for 20 counties in Texas. This listing allows companies that are located throughout the United States to find local-based vendors to complete "due diligence" requirements in a timely and efficient manner. Our primary service..
Also known as: East & Associates Inc., East Environmental Consulting, LLC
Associated domains: eastenvironmental.com