Updated 304 days ago
L 2E, The Wentworth Bldg, 300 Murray Street, Perth WA 6000 Australia
Consulcad was established in the late eighties as a specialist CAD software consultancy providing services to construction, architecture and engineering businesses. Over time, our business developed the project controls and management rigour for large infrastructure projects, and as we expanded, we adapted these to also deliver IT and business transformation projects...
Consulcad works with construction, IT and operations to deliver high performing PMOs, organisational innovation and technology solutions. We adopt a holistic approach that considers the technology, people and processes required for genuine and sustained change...
Consulcad has a diverse client base and our ability to tailor our services to the needs of private, government and international clients is fundamental to our approach. We have experience solving a range of problems for our customers spanning strategic, operational and project challenges.
Also known as: Consulcad Pty Ltd
Registration numbers: 21 006 527 644 (W)
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