Updated 341 days ago
Nob Hill II 4696 Northwest 103 rd Avenue Sunrise, Florida 33351-7965
We, at Comfort Care Nursing Professionals (CCNP), are licensed by the State of Florida to provide screened and carefully selected caregivers to achieve our Clients' goals of remaining in their homes, holding on to their independence with Client-directed assistive support, and maintaining a positive outlook as they make the most of living their lives. Life's challenges need not be prohibitive. Comfort Care Nursing Professionals has for many years been in the business of comforting its Clients, and we intend to continue doing so. Not only have our Clients referred other Clients to us, but we have even had relatives of Clients become Clients themselves because they were pleased with how we professionally conducted ourselves and because they could see that we truly care... Comfort Care Nursing Professionals is a Nurse Registry organization committed to securing and referring qualified nursing professionals, reliable, prompt, respectful caregivers dedicated to serving our client patients..
Also known as: Comfort Care
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