Mike Byrd began his oilfield ventures in the summer of 1983 in Hamlin, Tx. It was shortly after that, in 1986, he started his own company and has been a thriving entrepreneur in the oil and gas service business ever since. Byrd has always been focused on building value for our customers through his employees by creating a work environment that is safe, positive and productive and reflecting those values from the top to the bottom of his team.
Byrd Oilfield Services, LLC is an Abilene, Texas based company that is led with industry leaders possessing over 35 years of experience in providing oilfield services to oil and natural gas exploration. Byrd's service companies cover a vast market area with locations throughout Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. BYRD Oilfield Services, L.L.C. is a provider of contract Casing Running, Conductor Drilling, CRT, Clean/Drift/Tally, Laydown, Catwalk, Torque Turn, Water Pumps, Pit Lining, Construction, Trash Trailers, Trash Pumps and Rental Oilfield services to oil and natural gas exploration and production companies.
Byrd has continued to acquire and grow additional service companies including: