Updated 79 days ago
Downers Grove, IL 60515
At Business Mediation Network, we believe that business mediation is a fast, low cost, no risk way to resolve disputes and get back to business...
Business Mediation Network wants to change the way most business disputes are handled. After seeing the frustration of business people with the legal system for over 30 years as both a lawyer and a business manager, Business Mediation Network founder Paul Simon determined that business people need to find a way to stay out or get out of the court room and get back to what they know best...
Each year, OVER 8 MILLION BUSINESS-RELATED LAWSUITS are filed in the United States . . . LESS THAN 1% WILL GO TO TRIAL. Business Mediation Network can help prevent you from standing in the lawsuit line that is both LONG and WRONG.
Also known as: Business Mediation Network, LLC
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