Updated 8 days ago
215 Sage St. Suite #100 Davis, CA 95616
Our mission is to accelerate development and commercialization of efficient heating, cooling, and energy distribution solutions through innovation, R&D, stakeholder engagement, education and outreach...
Working closely with manufacturers, policymakers and utilities, WCEC tests new and existing HVAC technologies in our unique facilities. We also deploy real world demonstrations that provide objective technology evaluations of field performance. Our engineers recommend and implement performance improvements for the technologies tested...
We understand that even game changing technologies face considerable barriers to adoption that include policy, market and human interaction. WCEC works with policymakers, supporting codes and standards that will save energy and promote new, efficient technologies. We also work closely with our Utility partners, to evaluate technologies for market incentives, and in parallel, address human behavioral factors.
Also known as: Western Cooling Efficiency Center