SUKHATME - Key Persons

Mr.Shirish Sukhatme

Job Titles:
  • Architect
Mr.Shirish Sukhatme is an architect possessing post-graduation degree from Indian Institute of Technology, KHARAGPUR. Ar. Sukhatme possesses bright academic record and has stood 1st in Master of Architectural Examination (M.Arch). Shirish Sukhatme is one of the popular professors amongst the architectural students and is well-known in the field of education. He has been teaching in various colleges for the last 22 years and is popularly known as the professor of 'Basic Design'. Mr. Sukhatme has also published and delivered several research papers, seminars and workshops. He is associated with all the Architectural Colleges in Mumbai as Visiting Professor and Design Jury. Mr. Sukhatme has been appointed by the Bombay University as Chief Examiner in the subject of Architectural Design for the last ten years. Architect Shirish Sukhatme is a well-known personality in the field of building industry. He is also recognised as an academician and a popular professor in colleges of Architecture. Under his dynamic leardership, an Architecterual firm known as 'SHIRISH SUKHATME & ASSOCIATES' is providing architectural services in the city of Bombay for more than 20 years. More than 150 buildings are designed by him in the megapolis of Bombay and surrounding region. Archit ect Shirish Sukhatme possesses a team of experts handling all sort of Architectural developments. 'SHIRISH SUKHATME & ASSOCIATES' is one of the popular choices of developers of Bombay. With his expert guidance, the developers of the city of Bombay have purchased prime properties and developed it with commercial benefits and made remarkable profits. Ar. Shirish Sukhatme and his associates, Ms. Mamta Soni & Mr. Sanjeev Bhagwat have thorough knowledge of rules and regulations related to development of properties. 'Speedy implementation of the project' is their motto and time is the essence of their services. Fully computerised office and well-equipped infrastructure are the foundations of their successful performance in the city of Mumbai for the last 22 years. Other than the commercial projects, "SHIRISH SUKHATME & ASSOCIATES" has made a major contribution in the field of Architecture by undertaking prestigious Heritage projects of transplantation of 110 years old ancient buildings. Interior designs of Ar. Sukhatme have been featured in numbar of magazines. His style of blending graphics with furniture design has become a landmark in the field of Interior Design.