Updated 11 days ago
955 Massachusetts Avenue, #310 Cambridge, MA 02139
Steve Small is recognized as the nation's leading authority on private land protection options and strategies. He has been counsel to landowners and easement holders in more than 400 transactions around the country and has been involved in the protection of more than 1.5 million acres of land. Steve's writing comes out of his unique perspective on land protection efforts around the country. Over more than three decades, Steve has given more than 400 speeches and workshops and represented clients in more than 45 states. More than 150,000 copies of the Preserving Family Lands books are in circulation...
Steve represents and advises numerous corporate, individual, and family landowners on tax and land planning. He also directs project teams on extensive and complex planning for maximum income tax benefits in connection with the donation of conservation easements. Steve advises government agencies and non-profits on leveraging donation of land acquisition dollars.
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