Updated 941 days ago
Robert-Bosch-Strasse 36 78579 Neuhausen ob Eck Germany
The satisfaction of our customers is based on innovative ideas, outstanding professional expertise, and excellent performance. You can depend on us. The products we manufacture at SMI - Medical Instruments are guaranteed to be high quality across all divisions of the company. We meet your individual needs through customer-oriented flexibility and cross-sector integration of our market partners, thus ensuring your success. That's our pledge...
Our goal is to fully satisfy the most exacting requirements in medical technology. Beyond our extensive experience and professional expertise, we focus on innovative ideas and precise manufacturing processes...
Patronage and social commitment are very important to us. We are actively involved in supporting a variety of social and cultural projects and promoting young talent. In doing so, we attach great importance to the continuity and sustainability of the support we offer.
Also known as: SMI, SMI - Schad Medical Instruments GmbH, SMI-Verwaltungs GmbH
Registration numbers: HRA 732580 (W), HRB 758067 (W)
VAT numbers: DE142929357