Updated 40 days ago
Solution-Seindeo offers water conditioning solutions with chemical products to address water-related problems. Our chemical solutions include Boilers, Cooling systems and RO water treatment products for efficient system performance...
At Seindeo water, we have successfully implemented various water treatment projects including Automatic water Filtration systems and softening plants, Reverse Osmosis units, Boiler and Cooling water treatment programs, Domestic water treatment, and many more. Our projects are a testament of our commitment to sustainable solutions, innovation and collaboration with key stakeholders while ultimately making a significant impact on our client operations...
At Seindeo we employ a range of water testing instruments (pH, Conductivity/TDS meters, etc) and test kits (Hardness, Phosphate, Sulfite, Silica, Free Chlorine etc). Automatic control technologies are also available for monitoring & control of specific water parameters.
Also known as: Seindeo Limited