Updated 3 days ago
The answers to these questions should provide you with the reasons why or why not to hire a particular home inspector in the greater South Florida area. When it comes to experience and proficiency in the home inspection industry, let Reliable Home Inspection Team show you that there is a difference. We are a fully certified, licensed and insured home inspection company in South Florida with 35 years' experience in the construction industry and 17 years of experience providing top quality home inspections. With over 15,000 home inspections completed and an A+ rating from the BBB, we continue to give our clients the outstanding service they deserve from a respected company they can trust... Reliable Home Inspection Team Inc. offers a full comprehensive home inspection that involves inspecting all the visible and accessible areas of the structure and the systems of a home. You will be presented with valuable information about its condition and empowered to make an informed decision..
Also known as: Reliable Home Inspection Team, Inc.