Updated 538 days ago
109 N. Main St. Randleman, NC 27317
Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board (RPWDB) is a partnership of public and private resources that provides workforce development solutions for individuals and businesses. Our vision is to stimulate economic growth by providing a skilled workforce that exceeds business needs for today and tomorrow. We help businesses locate, screen, select and train workers. We assist job seekers to access the resources they need to find employment...
RPWDB consults with current or relocating businesses and economic developers to deliver customized workforce development solutions. We can help businesses and individuals navigate a frequently complex network of education, government and private-sector resources to build a workforce that meets current and future needs, and boosts competitiveness and profitability...
We are home to a diverse economy of manufacturing, service, retail, transportation, tourism, healthcare and education.
Also known as: Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board, Inc.