Updated 27 days ago
3580 West Ina Road Tucson, AZ 85741
Ridgetop Group, Inc., headquartered in Tucson, AZ, is a prominent engineering and technology firm specializing in advanced solutions such as Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM), Prognostic Health Management (PHM), and Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM). Since its establishment in 2000, Ridgetop has been a global leader in developing hardware and software solutions, IP libraries, and design services for mission-critical applications operating in challenging environments, including aerospace, defense, transportation, energy, and industrial sectors... At Ridgetop Group Inc., our foundation rests on engineering innovation of the highest caliber. We commit ourselves to delivering products of impeccable quality, adhering rigorously to set timelines and exacting customer requisites. Our organization reveres each member of our team, valuing their contributions and fostering an environment of continuous self-improvement. By nurturing personal and professional growth, we not only elevate..
Also known as: Ridgetop Group, Ridgetop Group Ridgetop Group, Inc., Ridgetop Group, Inc.