Updated 10 days ago
- Age: 40 years
- ID: 8352858/153
Founded in 1985, Quinn Team provided hardware, training, installation and programming for the burgeoning personal computer market. Starting with Cromemco, the first micro-hardware based UNIX-like OS (CROMIX) in the world, we installed and supported dumb terminals and dot matrix printers. Hardware was expensive... Quinn Team opened its doors in early 1980 supporting "S-100" based micro computer system hardware and software. In those days, micro computers were a hobby and a labor of love. The early adopters were largly Ham Operators or electronic engineers employed in the high-tech industries of Southern California. There was no Apple. There was no IBM PC. Micro computing was born out of a simple love for technology and an early realization that micro computers would some day become mainstream. Little did we know where it would be in just 25 years much less where it is now, some 40 years later!... Keeping up with technology has been like finals week in college every day. Reading,..