Pablo Lyle

Pablo Lyle's incident, the Mexican actor, was even more ridiculous as most road rage incidents are. A 63-year-old man gets tweaked because he was cut off and got out to pound on the car Pablo is in. Who cares, drive away, let it go. Do not ever get involved in road rage, drive away as quickly as possible and call the police. Nothing good has ever come from being involved in road rage, no matter how egregious the infraction is. In the end, Pablo gets out of the car again and punches the guy, the guy falls. hits his head, and later dies, and Pablo gets arrested. It is the reaction that always gets people arrested.

Patrick J. McGeehan

Patrick J. McGeehan, Esq. is a criminal defense and family law attorney in Miami, Florida. He has over 20 years of law enforcement experience in the South Florida region. Mr. McGeehan was a police instructor in several areas as well as a court certified expert witness in D.U.I., speed measurement, accident reconstruction and other law enforcement fields. Mr. McGeehan has been featured on numerous national news networks, radio and print media regarding his legal work. He can be reached at the Law Offices of Patrick J. McGeehan, P.A., Brickell Center, 801 Brickell Avenue, Suite 900, Miami, Florida 33131, 305-577-4933, patrick@pjmlawyer.com; www.pjmlawyer.com;www.patthelawyer.com.