Updated 935 days ago
413 Lake Shore Road West Chazy, NY 12992
With over 20 years of experience in the dairy feed industry, Paradox Nutrition offers a wide range of dairy nutrition consulting services for the dairy production industry. Dairy nutrition consulting services include controlled research studies on commercial dairy farms and computer modeling with complete nutritional assessment and statistical analysis. We also offer dairy nutrition seminars across the world with new, practical, and understandable information for consultants and dairy producers. In addition, we can provide writing and publication on a variety of topics including a popular press such as Hoard's Dairyman, nutrition writing for technical bulletins, and complete literature reviews. Finally, our personalized on-farm dairy nutritional consultation can provide expert advice and devise the most cost-effective rations for the dairy producer... Paradox Nutrition provides writing for scientific, popular press, technical bulletins, and comprehensive literature review... Paradox..
Also known as: Paradox