Updated 33 days ago
8724 Bacardi Dr. Dallas, TX 75238
Meetings Management Network is a full-service company but it also works in a "cafeteria" style. Sometimes you need assistance with an entire project. We can provide that from A to Z. However, many of our clients need input only on one portion of their meeting or event. We can work as a third party planner for you or as an extension of your staff for a specific element such as site selection and contract negotiation, or housing or onsite management, etc... Large or small event, MMN gives each client complete attention. From a getaway meeting in a boutique hotel in the wine country or an annual meeting at a downtown city center hotel, we translate your vision and go to work for you. Our experience can help you choose between a mountain resort or a golf resort, a conference center or convention center, a gaming facility or a cruise ship, an airport hotel or a country inn, a major league sports facility or a college venue, a famous restaurant or one with local color. We have unlimited..