Updated 44 days ago
Dr. Kha lid S. Soliman is Associate Professor of Management Information Systems, New York, USA who taught at the Executive, Graduate and Undergraduate levels for many years as full-time professor at Hofstra University, USA and at teaching researcher at The University of Memphis, USA. After receiving his B.Sc. in Engineering, he received his MBA in Business Administration at Murray State University, USA and his Ph.D. in Business Administration at the University of Memphis, USA. Dr. Soliman has worked and consulted for the past 25 years for several corporations in the United States and around the world. His research and consulting interest include electronic commerce, electronic services, cycle time reduction, interorganizational information systems, strategic use of information technology to transform organizations and governments, and self improvement and Organizational development... Dr. Soliman has published more than 35 articles in refereed journal as well as national and..