Updated 938 days ago
- Age: 27 years
- ID: 7368739/137
13009 Justice Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70816
is an internetworking and computer systems consulting company. We provide networking, computer sales and support services to the small business community. The typical small business cannot afford a full-time network administrator or hardware/software service technician. Our goal is to provide these services to the small business. We can help the small business develop and implement a technology plan geared to embrace future growth... As a Microsoft Partner and Microsoft Small Business Specialist, we can provide your company with a wide range of innovative solutions tailored for any small business. We specialize in the Microsoft Windows Server 2012, Windows Intune, Windows System Center, Small Business Server 2011 and the Microsoft Office 2010 suite of products... Specialize in Small Business computing and networki ng needs -- anti-virus removal and prevention, gene ral computer sales and repair, website and email hosting, to network infrastructure services. We specialize in Windows..