KHADOORCO - Key Persons

Aktham Harfoush

Job Titles:
  • Head of Corporate Commercial
  • Legal Consultant at Khaddour Law Office
Aktham works as a legal consultant at Khaddour Law Office and specialized in oil and gas field. He has been working in the legal and contractual field with oil and gas companies in Syria for more than twenty years. He has legal and commercial experience in oil and gas, purchase, service and construction contracts, developing standards terms and conditions of contracts and tenders and creating procedures and guidelines for companies. He is, also, expert in legal and commercial analysis of contractual disputes, settlement of these disputes and negotiating. Moreover, Aktham has a long experience in local and international arbitration. He has participated in more than /35/ arbitral cases with a total value of more than twenty million American Dollar.

Alaa Safieh

Job Titles:
  • Trainee Lawyer
Alaa supports the lawyers of the office on their courts and public entities appearances. She provides support and assistance to the lawyers on the preparation of the cases. She also prepares legal studies and researches, letters and drafts.

Dania Alshreibati

Job Titles:
  • Head of Litigation
Dania has been working for Khaddour law office since early 2019. She started her career as a lawyer in 2010 where she worked as a legal consultant for several firms including a Bank and a Telecommunication Company. Dania obtained a Master degree in banking form higher institute for business administration. She is specialized in commercial, banking, insurance and telecommunication legislations. She has an intensive experience in forming contract, providing legal consultations, pleading before courts and writing court's memorandums and letters. She, also, has a good experience in international and domestic arbitration where she participate in several arbitration cases as a lawyer.

Hanaa Mansour

Hanaa has been working for Khaddour Law Office since 2013. She is a specialist in civil, commercial, corporate and labour law. She has experience in local arbitration and international commercial arbitration. She provides legal advisory services to clients in Syrian law and regulations. She is in charge of the International NGOs many of which are our client who

Hussein Khaddour - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Managing Partner
  • Specialist in International Trade
Hussein is a specialist in International Trade and Arbitration. Holding a master degree in law from UK. He is acting for some of the world's largest commodity and natural resource companies. He has had numerous cases before ICC Court of Arbitration, Dubai International Arbitration center and Syrian State council. Hussein also acts for and against Governments in relation to contractual issues, investment disputes.

Khaled Masalmeh

With more than 12 years of experience Khaled has represented many international parties in cases in front of the Syrian Courts and Syrian State Council with specialty in commercial, Real estate and Banking.

Mohannad Mhemeed Dbais

Job Titles:
  • Senior Attorney
Mohannad Mhemeed Dbais - Mohannad started working at Khaddour Law office in 2020. He has extensive legal experience in all areas of real estate laws, litigations and lawsuits. In addition to his experience in telecommunication companies' field. He has a real practice in the field of organising various contracts and agreements such as lease, sale and investment contracts, forms and international contracts ... etc.