Joseph A. Rice - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Managing Partner
  • President
Dr. Rice is President of Jury Research Institute, a national trial and jury research firm. Dr. Rice provides particular expertise in research design and statistical analysis related to jury selection and juror behavior, the evaluation and testing of case themes, witnesses and evidence in order to provide clients with an objective and realistic assessment of potential liability and damages. Through the use of focus groups, mock trials and surveys, Dr. Rice has been able to assist litigants in critical decisions related to discovery, settlement and trial strategy. Dr. Rice has particular experience in the coordination of research and trial support services for complex litigation, which includes research in preparation for both bench and jury trials, coordination of graphic artists and the use of various courtroom display technologies. Reflecting his research and service philosophy, Dr. Rice becomes fully involved with the trial team to assist in the development of persuasive presentations by the trial attorneys and witnesses. Dr. Rice has been involved in numerous cases dealing with unfair business practices. As a result, he has particular expertise in addressing the compound issues of law and equity. Dr. Rice is a clinical psychologist trained at the School of Experimental and Clinical Psychology, University of Alabama, where he received specialized training in Psychology and Law. He has been providing consulting services to the legal community since 1981. He is a frequent guest speaker at chapters of the American Inns of Court, as well as other local, state and national legal organizations. As a result of his role in the OJ Simpson civil case, he has been a frequent guest on CNN's Burden of Proof, as well as a regular commentator for KCBS and PBS.

Susan E. Jones - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Is the Founder
Susan E. Jones, Ph.D. is the founder of Jury Research Institute.