JAYA TIASA - History of Changes

2024-08-05 delete email mk..@jayatiasa.net
2024-08-05 delete email si..@jayatiasa.net
2024-08-05 delete phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 110
2024-08-05 delete phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 211
2024-08-05 delete phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 248
2024-07-04 delete phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 200
2024-07-04 insert phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 211
2024-06-01 delete source_ip
2024-06-01 delete source_ip
2024-06-01 insert source_ip
2024-03-25 insert about_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert career_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert index_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert management_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert product_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2024-03-25 insert source_ip
2024-03-25 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain google.com
2023-09-14 delete general_emails en..@jayatiasa.net
2023-09-14 delete email en..@jayatiasa.net
2023-09-14 delete source_ip
2023-08-12 insert source_ip
2023-07-09 delete source_ip
2023-06-05 insert source_ip
2023-04-29 delete source_ip
2023-04-29 insert source_ip
2023-04-29 update robots_txt_status www.jayatiasa.net: 404 => 200
2023-04-29 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-04-21 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2023-01-16 delete email lc..@jayatiasa.net
2023-01-16 delete email th..@jayatiasa.net
2023-01-16 delete phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 230
2023-01-16 insert email ah..@jayatiasa.net
2023-01-16 insert email mk..@jayatiasa.net
2023-01-16 insert phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 248
2022-03-12 insert ceo Dato' Jin Kee Mou
2022-03-12 insert person Dato' Jin Kee Mou
2022-03-12 update person_description Mr Tiong Chiong Hee => Mr Tiong Chiong Hee
2021-02-24 insert person Ms Clara Tiong Siew Ee
2021-02-24 update person_description Mr Tiong Chiong Hee => Mr Tiong Chiong Hee
2021-02-24 update person_title Mr Tiong Chiong Hee: Non - Independent Non - Executive Director => Executive Director
2021-01-22 insert chairman Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo
2021-01-22 update person_title Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo: Deputy Executive Chairman => Executive Chairman
2020-10-06 delete otherexecutives Mr John Leong Chung Loong
2020-10-06 delete person Mr John Leong Chung Loong
2020-10-06 update person_description Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo => Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo
2020-08-05 delete source_ip
2020-08-05 insert source_ip
2020-08-05 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2020-07-30 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2020-03-01 insert otherexecutives Mr Yong Voon Kar
2020-03-01 insert person Mr Yong Voon Kar
2018-11-29 update person_description Dato' Wong Sie Young => Dato' Wong Sie Young
2018-10-14 insert email lc..@jayatiasa.net
2018-10-14 insert email si..@jayatiasa.net
2018-10-14 insert phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 110
2018-10-14 insert phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 200
2018-10-14 insert phone +6084-213 255 Ext. 230
2018-01-25 update person_description Dato' Sri => Dato' Sri
2018-01-25 update person_description Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo => Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo
2018-01-25 update person_description Dato' Wong => Dato' Wong
2018-01-25 update person_description Dato' Wong Lee Yun => Dato' Wong Lee Yun
2018-01-25 update person_description Mdm Tiong Choon => Mdm Tiong Choon
2017-12-18 delete secretary Ngu Ung Huong
2017-12-18 delete address Level 6, Symphony House, Pusat Dagangan Dana 1 Jalan PJU 1A/46 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
2017-12-18 delete fax 03-7841 8151/8152
2017-12-18 delete fax 082-421287
2017-12-18 delete fax 084-213855
2017-12-18 delete person Ngu Ung Huong
2017-12-18 delete phone 03-7841 0777
2017-12-18 delete phone 082-243233
2017-12-18 delete phone 084-213255
2017-11-10 delete phone 03-7841 8000
2017-11-10 insert address Level 6, Symphony House, Pusat Dagangan Dana 1 Jalan PJU 1A/46 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan
2017-11-10 insert industry_tag oil palm and timber
2017-11-10 insert phone 03-7841 0777
2017-06-19 delete otherexecutives Datuk Talib Bin Haji Jamal
2017-06-19 delete person Datuk Talib Bin Haji Jamal
2017-06-19 update description
2016-01-20 delete source_ip
2016-01-20 insert source_ip
2014-06-27 insert index_pages_linkeddomain issuu.com
2013-08-21 delete ceo Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo
2013-08-21 update person_title Dato' Sri Tiong Chiong Hoo: Member of the Board of Directors; Managing Director; Deputy Executive Chairman => Member of the Board of Directors; Deputy Executive Chairman
2013-07-08 insert ceo Dato' Wong
2013-07-08 insert person Dato' Wong