Updated 217 days ago
624 Industry Drive Tukwilla, WA 98188
The Interstate Traveler Project has been formed into a Limited Liability Company, registered in the State of Michigan working in the design, production and distribution of alternative energy, where that alter native energy production system is fully integrated into the Rail Conduit Cluster and Utility Substations. The Interstate Traveler is intended to provide a new standard rail infrastructure for mass-transit as an upgrade to the existing United States Interstate Highway System and along existing right of ways operated under a 50/50 Revenue Share Public / Private Partnership on Public Rights of Way. We make the rail, and all the Transports are made by strategic partners and vendors such as the existing Automobile, Heavy Equipment and the Aerospace Industry, where those cars on the rail may be owned by Municipalities, Corporations, and Private Individuals. As long as the standard propulsion systems are used, any one can make a car of any shape and size (Using Proper Safety Codes and..
Also known as: Interstate Traveler, Interstate Traveler Company, LLC, The Interstate Traveler Company, LLC